The Triangle
If you happen to drive, or walk down Hindersitch Lane and see activity by the village Christmas Tree , you may be wondering what’s going on? The space is slowly being cleared of brambles and soon stone walls will be rebuilt. So what’s occurring?
Whatstandwell Social Group are pleased to announce that the piece of land has been offered to the group by the owners, Andrew and Julie, to be a green space for the use of the community. WSC have accepted responsibility for overseeing what happens on it and will be improving the site so it can be used for community based events.
Initially, the plan is to clear the area. Rebuild boundaries and secure the site. We will then aim to level the ground and replant with new grass. What happens beyond this is still under discussion and we’d welcome ideas.
We’d also welcome any support the local community are willing to offer. Whether it be loan of heavy equipment , small tools, or physical help in the form of volunteering. Any help would be gratefully received in whatever form.
Eventually, we hope to have the Whatstandwell Triangle, a space to enjoy and cherish.
Want to know more? Contact the Whatstandwell Social club.