
IMG_0013Welcome to the Whatstandwell Social Club Web site

Whatstandwell Social Club is active social club which organises social events for the village. These events are usually self-funded – unless we have specific funding from elsewhere. We organise events such as the Whatstandwell Festival, which is held on the weekend closest to mid-summers day. Through our activities money is raised for charities and items which benefit the community.

Keep an eye on the notice board outside the Family Tree for the Social Club’s news and events.

Notice board outside the Family Tree

Whatstandwell Social Club and Crich Parish Council notice board outside the Family Tree

We hope that this website will keep the people in Whatstandwell and the surrounding area  up-to-date with local news and events, and will provide informative information on its heritage and history.

We are on Facebook and Twitter (see index bar at top of the page).

Our email is: whatstandwellsocialclub@googlemail.com

Our Aim

  • To organise social events based in the village or immediate surrounding area for the benefit and enjoyment of local people
  • To raise money for charities and good causes
  • To maintain a website, Facebook page and twitter account with news and information about local events and local people
  • To encourage as many local people to attend and help out as possible by putting on events which are well attended and self funding or have specific funding from elsewhere
  • To celebrate and mark events of national and/or local importance
  • To target and tailor our events to specific sectors of the community e.g. children, families and senior citizens
  • To enjoy ourselves in the process

Social Club Committee Meeting Dates
Please contact us if you are interested in getting involved and want to know the date of the next meeting.

Contact email:

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